Hybrid Learning involves using a combination of in-class and online, or synchronous and asynchronous methods for building student understanding. Here, the different methods of educational delivery are chosen according to the requirements of different forms of learning objectives. You might choose an asynchronous recording of lectures, particularly those with foundational content that you may want to reuse in future versions of the course (either in upcoming semesters before global vaccinations are achieved or in the future when you may want to devote more class time to active learning methods). Discussions will work better in either an in-class or live Zoom format. Active learning might be easiest in a live Zoom format using the breakout room feature to allow students to work together in groups (without masks and being more than 6 feet apart!).

You may want to be flexible about how you do this. You may try certain modes of delivery and then realize that you prefer another. Also be aware that your students will appreciate a change of format. We have all now sat in enough hour-long Zoom meetings to know how hard it is to stay attentive in an on-line setting. Even modest changes in the mode of delivery (showing a video, taking a poll, doing a quick think-pair-share in breakout rooms) can substantially reset students’ attention spans. We may also all need to be flexible depending upon the direction that the pandemic takes.

Combining multiple forms of educational delivery can pose challenges for constructing the appropriate amount of material that would equal the time commitment for your equivalent in-person class. A good rubric for calculating this can be found at the Arts and Sciences Course Contact Time Estimator.