Begin by reviewing the learning objectives of your pre-COVID-19 course. What is it that you want your students to be able to do after they finish your course? Is it to think critically? Analyze and interpret data? Build and develop conceptual models?  Work collaboratively? Communicate effectively? Debate and defend arguments? Ask important questions?

With this in mind, examine and become familiar with the teaching options available to you in the physically distanced world of 2020. Not everything that you do in a face-to-face environment will translate well to a digital or hyflex environment, and you may need to remove or change these parts of your course. However, some components, such as lecturing, can be done very effectively and efficiently in an online setting, and teaching online can even provide some opportunities that were not available before.

Be prepared to be creative think outside the box, but also be prepared to pivot quickly if needed

All aspects of your course will need to be reexamined, such as requirements for class attendance and participation, how assignments are distributed and received, and particularly how student success is assessed. Online exams are especially challenging and should be rethought. You may learn of new opportunities and technologies in teaching online as you go through the semester, so be prepared to take advantage of these as they develop. However, community and campus regulations concerning physical distancing may also suddenly change in the middle of the semester, as they did in the spring, so make sure you have backup plans if things pivot quickly. 

Above all, remember that you are not alone in this endeavor. Seek out support from colleagues, your department, your school, and at university level if you aren’t sure how to redesign your class for the fall semester.